It doesn't do any more damage per shot than a normal laser pistol. It is fine outside of VATS, but it's a fully automatic laser pistol and owning it is basically asking for having troubles with the ammo of the gun. Honestly, this weapon is not worth the trouble it takes to get it. Try to shoot the pistol out of his hand while using a stealth boy or just kill him. Don't talk to Colonel Autumn if you do this or you'll potentially ruin your game. Have a look at this video to see how it's done. They're great for tough encounters like deathclaws and the like.Ĭolonel Autumn's Laser Pistol: This weapon can't really be gained without exploiting the game. This makes the 120 rounds of ammo you find near the alien body more significant. If you're an energy weapons specialist, you'll kill almost anything in a single blow to the head. The blaster literally guarantees a critical hit. It doesn't use any other form of ammo, so it's likely the most scare ammo in the game ( a bit more can be found in fort independence). Look for the small light blue alien power cells to get the ammo it takes. The blaster is found to the south of the ship, when you finally find it. The alien ship is crash-landed in the southwestern corner of the square here. Listen to the radio signal and you'll hear that it gets a bit stronger as you near the square I suggested. You'll eventually pick up a new radio signal, a beacon. If you have the MDPL-13 power station revealed, or minefield, it's easier to fast walk there and head north. To get to the alien crash site, you'll need to be in the square 2 east and 10 north from Megaton. Fortunately the enclave camps at the end of the game are endless sources of plasma rifles to keep A3-21's Rifle melting mutants.Īlien Blaster: The Alien Blaster is found at the alien crash site. It's of course a modified Plasma Rifle, and can only be repaired with them. You get this weapon as a reward for completing The Replicated Man in Rivet City. It's not great at a long range but it can pummel opponents up close. The Weapons (Alphabetical List)Ī3-21's Plasma Rifle: This is likely my favorite mid-range energy weapon. The primary stat for energy weapons is perception, and having higher values in it will increase the damage done by all energy weapons. Thankfully, the gear they carried will remain for the most part unharmed. Victims to powerful blasts of energy will disintegrate. The most basic of the energy weapons deals nice damage, and they are for the most part quite accurate, especially in the form of the Laser Rifle.

You will go a short time without access to quality energy weapons, but once you have them you will be very powerful. Energy weapons are very interesting guns in Fallout 3.